Schedule Υour Photovoltaic Panel Cleaning For offers please fill in the form and we will contact you. In which area is your project * ChooseAitoloakarnaniaArgolidaArkadiaArtaAthensAchaiaViotiaGrevenaDramaDodecaneseEvrosEviaEvrytaniaZakynthosIliaImathiaHeraklionThesprotiaThessalonikiIoanninaKavalaKarditsaKastoriaCorfuCephaloniaKilkisKozaniCorinthCycladesLaconiaLarissaLasithiLesbosLefkadaMagnesiaMessiniaXanthiPellaPieriaPrevezaRethymnoRodopiSamosSerresTrikalaFthiotidaFlorinaFokidaHalkidikiChaniaChios Project name or representative's name * The PV panels are on the ground or on the roof * GroundRoof What is PV panels' output (KW)? 0-2021-100101-500501-10001000+ What type of PV panel do you have? PolycrystallineMonocrystallineThin Film How are the panels placed? Landscape ( panel's wide part is at the bottom)Portait (the bulk is upwards) How many rows of panels per string are there? 12345+ Is the support system fixed or tracker? FixedTracker The slope of the ground is: * FlatSlightly inclinedSteep incline When do you wish the cleaning to take place? In which email can we communicate with you? * In which phone number can we communicate with you? * 16604 43291